1. Travel conditions and responsibility of the tour operator
1.1 Agape Eesti is guided in its activities by the conditions stipulated in the laws of the Republic of Estonia.
1.2 As a tour operator, Agape Estonia is responsible for ensuring that the trip meets the description and the promises made to the customer.
1.3 Agape Estonia is not responsible for damage that has occurred due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (including, but not limited to, natural disasters, war, political incidents, strikes, etc.), weather conditions different from the annual average, etc. because of.
Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances are stipulated in § 874, subsection 8 of the Law of Obligations Act: ''Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances in the sense of this chapter are circumstances that are not under the control of the party referring to it and the consequences of which could not have been avoided even subject to all reasonable measures being taken. § 103 subsection 2 of the Law of Obligations Act does not apply to the provisions of the previous sentence.'' This provision excludes the application of the concept of "force majeure" to relations arising from the package travel contract and implements the application of the concept of "unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances".
Agape Estonia will refund money for services not received.
1.4 Content of Terms
The price of the trip includes only the services described in the materials describing the trip, in the written offer or on the invoice. The content of the conditions and the shortcomings of the trip are evaluated in the light of the data provided by the tour operator when selling and advertising the trip.
1.5 Obligation to assist
The passenger is responsible for obtaining travel insurance. If the traveler falls ill, has an accident or becomes a victim of a crime, the tour operator will assist him in every way, the traveler will pay the related additional costs. § 8781 of the Law of Obligations Act stipulates the obligation to provide assistance: "The tour operator shall immediately provide appropriate assistance to the traveler in difficulty, in particular, provide appropriate information about health services, local authorities and consular assistance, and assist the traveler in communication and finding alternative travel options. For such assistance, the tour operator may demand compensation from the passenger for the reasonable expenses actually incurred, if the difficulty was caused by the passenger intentionally or due to negligence.''.
2. Accepting the travel conditions and paying for the trip
2.1 The agreement between the traveler and the tour operator becomes binding for both parties the moment the traveler has chosen the trip and paid the advance payment (made a reservation).
2.2 To confirm the reservation, the passenger must pay an advance payment per passenger within 14 days from the date of making the reservation, and the advance payment must be paid according to the cost of the trip as follows (unless otherwise stated on the order):
* for a trip costing up to €100, 100% of the trip cost
* for a trip costing more than €100 according to the trip description
2.3 The remaining cost of the trip (including additional services) must be paid no later than 31 days before the start of the trip.
2.4 Payment deadlines apply if no other payment dates are specified in the order. If there are less than 31 days left until the trip, for special offers, only flight tickets, etc., the payment dates specified in the order apply.
2.5 In the case of bus trips, seats on the bus are assigned according to the order of booking.
3. Cancellation terms:
3.1 more than 31 days before the start of the trip, the traveler is obliged to leave 50% of the paid advance as compensation;
3.2 31-22 days before the start of the trip, the passenger is obliged to leave a paid advance as compensation;
3.3 21-15 days before the start of the trip, 50% of the trip cost remains as compensation;
3.4 Less than 15 days before the start of the trip, Agape Estonia will not refund money.
3.5 If the traveler is not issued a visa or is not granted a transit visa for the destination country of the ordered trip and/or the countries to be passed through to reach the destination, the cancellation of the trip will be considered without a significant obstacle and the provisions of 3.1 of these travel conditions will apply. If the traveler cannot get to the country because he is not allowed to cross the border, the traveler has to pay everything on his return home
5. Prices and price changes
5.1 The price of the trip includes only those services that are described in materials introducing the trip, in the written offer, on the invoice, or that have been agreed upon between the traveler and the tour operator. If the passenger does not use any of the services included in the price, he is not entitled to a refund.
5.2 Unless otherwise stated, the price of the trip does not include visa, excursions, travel insurance. Hotel rooms must be vacated at 10:00.
5.3 The tour operator has the right to increase the price of the trip if the following circumstances occur:
5.3.1 Changes in taxes, fees and service charges in Estonia or the destination country, if they affect the price of the trip;
5.3.2 when transport prices change, if
they are not subject to the tour operator's control and could not be foreseen when planning the trip;
5.3.3 change in exchange rates.
Increasing the travel fee is based on the cost of the travel service after the trip, to which is added the amount of the increase in costs, which was not previously included in the travel fee.
6. Errors in travel arrangements and their reporting
6.1 The tour operator is at fault if the trip and the services offered do not correspond to the trip description and the promises made to the passenger.
6.2 Minor changes from the point of view of the trip as a whole, which can be expected considering the nature of the destination and the trip, cannot be considered defects.
6.3 A change in the travel schedule cannot be considered a defect either, if the change is due to circumstances beyond the control of the tour operator and does not exceed the limit of reasonableness. The passenger must take into account possible unforeseen and unavoidable changes that are not under the control of the tour operator (for example, traffic jams, exceptional weather conditions, strikes, etc.)
7. Elimination of deficiencies
7.1 The passenger is obliged to immediately inform the representative of the tour operator at the destination of various deficiencies or claims regarding the travel arrangements.
7.2 The tour operator is obliged to correct the mistake made immediately. The tour operator may leave the error uncorrected during the trip only if it turns out to be impossible or if it would cause him inadequate expenses.
7.3 If the defect is left unremedied for the aforementioned reason, the passenger has the right to receive compensation proportional to the size of the defect from the total cost of the trip.
8. Compensation for damages
8.1 The tour operator compensates the damage caused to the health and property of the traveler if it results from the activity(ies) of the tour operator or his representative.
8.2 If the error is corrected and the damage caused is compensated at the destination, the passenger does not have the right to demand a second compensation in Estonia. The damage is compensated proportionally to the damage caused.
8.3 The tour operator is not responsible for damages caused by circumstances beyond his control (force majeure).
8.4 The tour operator is not responsible for damages caused by the traveler's own actions and negligence.
8.5 The tour operator is not responsible if the traveler becomes a victim of a crime.
8.6 Claims and claims for damages must be submitted immediately during the trip
9. Validity and interpretations of travel conditions
9.1 These travel conditions become mandatory for both parties after accepting the travel conditions (point 2.1).
9.2 Disagreements arising from the interpretation of the travel conditions are tried to be resolved through negotiations between the Client and the Tour Operator by contacting Agape Estonia (Karl Ernst von Baeri 1, Tartu 51005, phone: (+372) 56477797, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).